Durham Mental Health Services provides a variety of programs that redirect people with mental health problems from the criminal justice and corrections systems to mental heath services and supports.
Mental Health Court Support
This program assists adults with mental health problems who find themselves in conflict with the criminal justice system. A Court Support Worker assesses each referral received, determines what services might be helpful, and assists the client in linking with those services. Consultation, education, advocacy and linkage to other supports are also available to family members.
Youth Mental Health Court Support
A Court Support Worker, experienced working with the children and youth sector, is available to provide youth charged under the Youth Criminal Justice Act with court support (including diversion) and linkage to appropriate community services.
Court Diversion
Court Diversion is a pre-trial procedure where the Crown Counsel decides not to prosecute if the accused agrees to a treatment plan to address his or her particular needs. This program is for low risk offenders and participation is voluntary. A Court Support Worker provides consultation and advice to the Crown Attorney’s Office on cases referred for deposition and diversion, and develop a treatment plan for the diversion.
Release from Custody
This program provideds intensive short-term case management to successfully integrate individuals from the Central East Correctional Centre back into to their community.