DURHAM MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES believes that individuals with lived experience of mental illness can vitally contribute to the recovery process for people who are experiencing mental health problems.
The client/peer support relationship can promote resilience and help buffer stressors or adversity. Clients benefit from the empathy and encouragement that a person who has lived their struggles can offer. It is support “by peers for peers” – a positive, inspiring, and equal relationship that promotes health, self-acceptance, and progress towards recovery.
DHMS Peer Support Specialists can offer:
- Assistance setting recovery goals
- Life-skills training and coaching
- Psycho-educational programming
- Social networking and support
- Linkage to services
Our Peer Support Specialists also work in the community to raise awareness of mental illness and stigma, provide education, and coordinate Peer Support programming with other organizations. In this capacity.
DMHS is a proud sponsor of the consumer advocacy group V.A.S.E. – Voices Against Stigma Everywhere.