C.A.L.L. (Crisis-Access-Linkage-Line)
For Crisis Services call:
905-666-0483 Local
1-800-742-1890 Toll Free
Durham Mental Health Services offers a range of crisis supports to assist individuals who are experiencing a personal or situational crisis. Our crisis services are free and confidential.
Crisis Services
Telephone support is available toll free, 24 hours per day, to support the individual in crisis and/or their supports. A community visit by our mobile crisis team can be arranged to support the individual in their preferred environment. Follow-up support, including linkage and referral to other community supports, are also available.
Crisis Beds
Short-term stays in our Crisis Beds are available for individuals who are experiencing a crisis and are in need of individualized support in a safe, supportive setting away from their present situation.
Mental Health Safe Beds
This program provides short-term residential crisis beds for individuals living with mental health problems, who are in contact with the justice system. The program offers a safe alternative (where appropriate) to incarceration or hospitalization.