The CELHIN Consumer/Survivor Network will support and advocate for individuals and their families living in the CELHIN and struggling with mental health problems. Services will be provided from a Consumer/Survivor perspective and will focus on providing education and promoting Best Practices. Communication amongst all members of the Network is key to the success of the Network.
Terms of Reference Goals:
- Promote Best Practices for Consumer/Survivor services
- Be the liaison between the community and LHIN to support the needs of the community.
- Determine the needs of the community and provide support based on those needs.
- Promote Consumer/Survivor services.
- Discuss and share the challenges and successes of Consumer/Survivor Services.
- Attend meetings as scheduled and maintain regular communication
- Obtain direction from LHIN
- Coordinate the Network Advisory Committee
- Understanding that Consumer/Survivor services may differ among the members of the Network, but all services must be accountable to and must serve the needs of the community.
- The Consumer Survivor Initiative and Peer Support Worker provide a valued and necessary service that needs to continue to grow and that requires ongoing resources and funding.
- Recovery is a vital component of the Consumer Survivor Initiative and needs to be encouraged and promoted within the communities.
- Consumers will drive their own programs and need to be provided with choices and options .
Steering Committee Membership (Terms of Reference Committee):
The Steering Committee will be represented by one member from each of the following organizations:
- Durham Mental Health Services
- Canadian Mental Health Association- Durham Branch
- Canadian Mental Health Association- Peterborough Branch
- Canadian Mental Health Association- Toronto Branch
- Hong Fook Association may join the Committee at any time.
Other Network Members:
The larger Network will consist of additional (Consumer and Non-Consumer) members from the above mentioned agencies, including Hong Fook Association. Other agencies including Ontario Shores, Lakeridge Health Oshawa and Minden Mental Health (this list is not inclusive) may also be invited into the Network to ensure appropriate geographical representation within the CELHIN. Meetings for this Network will take place twice yearly.
Network Advisory Committee:
A Network Advisory Committee will be created. This Committee will be comprised of Consumers who are not associated with any of the member agencies in an employee role. The purpose of this Committee will be to provide Lived Experience perspective to the Network on how to maintain and improve services. This Network will be established with the assistance of the Steering Committee, however, will be lead solely by non-employee Consumers. This Committee will be represented by Consumers from across the CELHIN and will meet every three months via phone, email or in person.
Steering Committee Member Selection:
- Must have direct, personal experience as a Consumer in the Mental Health or Addiction system.
- Be able to maintain regular contact and communication with fellow members to ensure growth and productivity of the Network.
- Commit to quarterly meetings.
Network Lead:
- Durham Mental Health Services will be the Lead member for the Network, as dictated by the CELHIN.
Guidance for the Network:
- The Steering Committee will represent the first contact for any Network member needing guidance.
- All agency Supervisory teams may be enlisted for guidance at any time.
- LHIN will be available to provide assistance and answer questions, when required.
Decision Making:
- All decisions will be made by proxy, with majority ruling.
- In the event that a decision within the larger Network cannot be made, the Steering Committee will make the final decision.
It is understood by all Steering Committee members that, as the Network develops, some revisions to this document will need to be revised and updated.
October 2011